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10 Rules of Successful Land Development Design

  1. Validate plans with master engineering.

Even the best development plans need engineering adjustments. Without master engineering, concepts that appear ready for platting may prove unworkable in construction. Master engineering validates the feasibility of the project and incorporates infrastructure (sewer, water, transportation, storm sewer, gas, electric, telephone, and fiber), earthwork (grading), lot configurations (lot width), trails, and amenities.

Too often, master plans look great on paper but have inherent technical flaws and don't consider the engineering challenges. The goal of a sound land development engineer is to work with the master plan, tweaking and revising with the planner/developer as necessary to better incorporate infrastructure and cost efficiencies. Making minor adjustments to the program can mean impactful, positive changes to your return on investment (ROI)

  1. Actively listen to the land.

Listen to what the land offers, carefully take in the surroundings and visualize what your additions will offer. Finally, walk the entire property – this may seem old-school to some, but it will pay dividends later.

Eliminating and anticipating challenging conditions early in the process has a direct cost-benefit which, in our experience, can be significant and ultimately impacts a project's ROI. Next, design a development that suits the land's natural shape and form. Are there unique features? Can they be enhanced to create an amenity or corridor view that helps increase marketability and ROI?

  1. Use your space wisely.

Look at ways to be efficient in design. So often, methods seem efficient but are littered with wastes of space. Here are three common examples:

  • Intersections are your enemy. For single-family housing, intersections take up a lot of space, are expensive, and generally do not improve travel times or safety.

  • They need to incorporate storm management wisely. Rainfall intensities are increasing, and stormwater management is becoming even more critical and costlier. It can reduce overall costs and increase ROI by incorporating stormwater management into master planning at an early stage.

  • Variable home setbacks. Most people need to consider or even recognize that altering a home's standard distance from curbs, property lines, or other buildings is possible. However, it can be a valuable tool to create more lots per acre with fewer streets.

  1. Prioritize the team, and be clear on all roles and responsibilities.

People. People. People. They can make or break a successful land development. Put the right people in the right roles on suitable projects, and you're virtually guaranteed to succeed. But be careful, as even the best teams are only enough with clearly defined roles and integrated communication.

Pay attention to the market – even the best talent can't change market conditions. Please ensure the developer, contractor, and city officials are in sync, as they all have different priorities. Understanding where the other parties are coming from empowers a more seamless project—developing a relationship, asking the right questions, and being professional play a critical role in helping you execute your tasks.

  1. Design from the outside in

The low-hanging fruit is here! The two most prominent areas influencing development costs are earthwork (grading) and stormwater management. For single-family and multi-family developments, start with the homes first. From here, design backyards to the property boundaries and front yards to the street. It reduces dirt movement and improves stormwater management. Grading and earthwork are iterative processes. We typically have several iterations included in a design. It also reduces grading, reducing costs by 20 percent each time.

  1. Save streets for last.

Beginning with street design is an easy mistake to make. Municipal engineers often design the street layout, then fit the houses around it. But "happy users" hinges on creating your homes and lots first while saving the streets for last – this is how successful land development engineers work. This way, you focus on the people most impacted by your design.

As a result, we can often increase the number of lots per acre while also increasing the amount of green space, creating a more livable and inviting neighborhood. It may seem counterintuitive at first, but the process rings true. Challenge yourself to reduce street length while increasing density and green space.

  1. Pay attention to topography.

There's an old saying among engineers, "stuff doesn't run uphill." What appears to be an efficient design for the first phase of a multi-phase project may not suit future phases. Topographic maps are essential for learning a property's geologic and hydrologic characteristics. Combine them with assessment photos, which can help determine how the property has changed over time.

Feel free to incorporate new technologies to use your space best. For example, drones can help you see and understand every inch of your property. Three-dimensional mapping technology shows you the property from a completely different perspective – and allows you to guarantee you're putting your buildings in the right place. In addition, nothing beats drone photography for marketing the neighborhood's amenities.

  1. Take the holistic approach.

For example, integrate stormwater by turning stormwater conveyance into amenities while minimizing piping. Connect residents to features and destinations by planning for pedestrian flow. Lay out your lots to maximize view corridors. Home placement is also crucial – don't block the views of another, or it will diminish enjoyment of the area.

Everything should add up to a perfect whole. Be intentional about seeing the forest through the trees, which sometimes requires adjustments. Think about adding trail systems, parks, or other shared elements. People like feeling part of a collective; it reinforces the sense of community. Using visualizations to empower people to experience your development before becoming a resident and sharing the space before purchasing creates buy-in and trust and can help attract buyers. Visualizations can even turn detractors into supporters.

  1. Explore creative ideas.

Routines are great for efficiency and often play an essential role in getting a project done quickly. But we must remember to think outside the box. Every land development is unique, each with its challenges. If we incorporate these nuances into the design, we can take advantage of opportunities to change the status quo and increase ROI. For example, consider the following when selecting products and projects: community amenities such as pools, party rooms, and playgrounds may lure in a prospective group of buyers.

Don't forget about Fido. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, nearly 40% of homeowners are dog owners. Create friendly places to walk and play. Consider community areas around dog amenities to help create that neighborhood feel. Aging populations may seek amenities like snow removal, lawn care, and other services. How might these impact design? How does it affect the long-term sustainability and operation of the development?

  1. Be flexible; know your product and the market.

Even with the best-laid plans, there will be challenges. Challenges create the opportunity to reach out to professionals for help – for example, engineers are natural problem solvers. Also, listen to what the market is saying. For example, is the current housing trend to have homes without stairs and, at minimum, three-stall garages? What is the current supply-demand gap, and how will you bridge this divide? Have we entered a "new way of thinking" for renters and buyers?

Each of these impact your design. Share market data with project teams, and stay tuned to the trends regarding your product and people. Projects move forward more efficiently and effectively when everyone is in sync.


The market, housing trends, interest rates, and consumer preferences – among other things, are often out of our control in the world of land development. But suppose we remember the fundamentals and stick to the rules above. In that case, we can positively impact what we control, give ourselves the best chance for success, increase ROI, and achieve happiness for every stakeholder involved.

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